PW Mobile Install, Device Activation and Refresh.

PW Mobile Install

1.Download the PubWorks App from the Apple/App Store or Google Play Store.

2. Open the PubWorks Mobile App on the device and key in the activation code provided to you by PubWorks. If you need an Activation Code email  to request one. Make sure to include your customer/account name, your first name, your last name, and the device’s make and model.

3. Wait for the device to Authenticate your activation code and download your Customer Data.

4. Close the app by clicking OK when prompted.  Restart the app as you normally would by clicking on the PW icon on your device’s app menu.

5. Login to PubWorks with your Username and Password. Note, your PubWorks Mobile Username and Password are the same as your PubWorks Desktop Username and Password. .

6. Click on the Hamburger Menu (The three vertical dots at the top right corner of the screen) within the 6 tile screen and select Settings.

7. Within Settings Under Refresh Behavior select On Wake and Assets with Main Refresh.

8. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings screen next to Filter By Asset Type click Select All then click Back.

9. Click on the Hamburger Menu within the 6 tile screen and select Refresh.

10. The full asset count will be displayed on the 6 tile screen and your device is ready for use.