Latest Release
Here are ToolTips for our latest Release, 6.0.37.
What’s New in PubWorks Version 6.0.37
- Enhancement to detect the use of Banned Characters in the Name and Code fields used when creating new records in the Asset Management Core. Read more.
- Enhancement to Purchase Orders to detect a change to either Fund or Contractor/Vendor information in the General Information of the PO and update the PO Details and Material Transaction records associated w/ the PO with the new Fund/Con values if the user says YES to the message box. (This enhancement requires a new system setting. To activate this option please contact support (888-920-0380 ex2) to have setting changed.
- We’ve added a refresh button to our Service Request Status Form on the desktop. Read more.
- Enhancement to allow user to create and email an Activity (Daily, Crew or Route) directly from the Activity Record. Read more.
- Enhancement to allow the creation of Location Address records on-the-fly while completing a Service Request on the desktop. Read more.
What’s New in PubWorks Mobile Version 2.2.07
- All metrics are now viewable and editable on an Asset. Previously, only Length, Width and Height were available; now BegMM, Side, Acreage, etc. were accessible.
- On a Request; the Request Type can be changed using the App.
- The District field is now viewable/editable on a Request.
- The GPS “location” can now be captured, and edited, on a Work Entry.
- There are also changes made to the Map views. They should look equally good on both a phone and a tablet.
- There is a new technique for editing spacial coordinates. There is now a new User Setting to “Center” a spatial object. Instead of dragging a single point; you can move every other part of the map (known as panning) and the spatial object will “re-center”.
- Display the approvers “comments” (aka disapproval reason) on the Work Entry page during Editing.
- Many fixes were made to Inspection Modules.
- Barcodes!
- Barcodes can be captured for Assets
- You can scan a Barcode and immediately go to its Asset Record
- When entering Work; you can scan the Barcode attached to a piece of Equipment. More importantly (or likely), you can scan the barcode for a Material item.
- The scanning of Equipment or Material has also been added to the Equipment Check entry