Code Field Visibility Settings

Code or the Name fields when creating Daily, Crew and Route Activities

PubWorks provides an option to find information using either the Code or the Name fields when creating Daily, Crew and Route Activities.

These Code fields, when activated, provides a Code Drop-down list for Employees, Contractors, Locations, Location Features, Tasks, Task Modifiers, Funds, Projects and Service Requests. These settings are user specific and can be customized for each PubWorks User Account. Each field has its own setting so you can see only the codes you are interested in.

The example below shows the Daily Activities screen with all Code fields visible.


code field visibility settings


When using PubWorks Activities and would like to turn the Code fields “On” or “Off,” there is an easy way to make the Code fields Visible/Invisible using the User Powers interface.

With PubWorks open, select System from the main menu and then open User Powers.  With the User Powers screen open, select the Activities tab and then open the Primary tab. Here you will see the Hide Code check-boxes.


Code fields Visible/Invisible


When all the “Hide Code” check-boxes are Un-Checked, then all Code drop-downs will be available as seen below.


drop-downs will be available


To hide any of the Activity Code fields, simply check the desired selections in the User Powers Activities Tab and the program will hide the Code selection. The example below shows PubWorks is set to hide all the Code fields.


hide all the Code fields


With all the Code fields hidden, PubWorks displays only the name fields in Daily, Crew and Route Activities.


fields in Daily, Crew and Route Activities