Equipment Search

Quickly find the unit you’re looking for

Regardless of how many vehicles you have in your fleet, we’ve tried to make it easy to find the unit you’re looking for. Here are some of the ways…

Equipment Types

The equipment screen has an Equipment Type drop down list that you can use to contain custom equipment types to help categorize vehicle and equipment into meaningful groups.

equipment types


When you do this, PubWorks will automatically create a series of Equipment sub-menus allowing you to look at select groups of vehicle and equipment that all share a common type.

Equipment Pick-ups

Equipment Locate

When searching for equipment, use the Locate button.

Locate Button


When clicked, the Locate screen will allow you to search based on what you type into the Search for… box.

Search for button


It’s very important to know that the four characters typed into the Search for (“2500”) are being used to search for equipment records that might have “2500” in any or all of the columns displayed above.

Once a vehicle is identified in the records found grid, double click on to display the equipment record.

Report Filtering By Make, Model and Year

Recently, we’ve added the ability to filter Fleet Maintenance, Equipment Replacement and Equipment Listing reports by make, mode and year.

Report Filtering Report Filtering Make Model Report Filtering Make Model Year