Project Estimate Enhancement
PubWorks added a Project Estimate tab
The PubWorks Project screen has been enhanced to allow you to create a detailed estimate of what you expect a project to cost by using Activity records.
We’ve added an Estimate tab to the Project screen that contains a grid of Estimate Activities and a means to add, modify and delete Estimate Activities.
Estimate Activities can be created using both the daily and crew methods. Estimate Activities behave in a way that is nearly identical to standard Activities. Some data validation features have been removed to allow you greatest flexibility when making your entries and the Project drop down lists are permanently set based on the Project record from which Estimate Activities was launched.
Above, new tab and buttons for Estimate Activities.
Options to help customize the printing of Estimate Worksheets and Invoices.
Same Activity screen with two minor but very important estimate modifications.
The cost reports will be familiar to you with one exception: they report on Estimate Activities only.
The Estimate Worksheet is designed to help you communicate the project’s cost estimate to your “client.” The Estimate Worksheet has a great deal of flexibility built into to it, for example is allows for markup percentages and options as to whether or not to include certain cost components in the report.
The Invoice Worksheet is a report that can be used to bill your client and uses actual, not estimate, Activities.